A Special Mom
Giving birth:
but, it takes a special person to be a "Mom."
Someone who will provide
a safe and nurturing environment
for her son or daughter to grow up in.
Going for that first walk...
The first of many throughout their lives..
The purchase of that first bike or rollerblades.
The beginning of his son's or daughter's library...
with the purcase of that first book.
Attending together playgrounds, ice-rinks, swimming pools....
The involvement of sports: soccer, hockey, baseball, lacrosse,
martial arts, dance lessons, just to mention a few.
Educating her child
on the pitfalls and dangers of life.
The importance of right association in
food, drink, effort, behaviour, activity, work,
thought, and above all - people.
And the life-defeating consequences of not.
mother and child bonding,
developing a relationship based on mutual:
trust, respect, truth, and understanding.
Each bringing out the best in the other.
Each working through what needs to be.
Together, as they journey through life...
the mother and child will share the good and the bad, the right and the wrong,
and the beautiful and the not so beautiful.
Each in their own special way, coming to know...
what it is to love and to be loved.