Blue Butterfly

My Dear Son

Together we have climbed that mountain,
crossed that river, traversed that valley,
and traveled that long and narrow road.

Together we have experienced;
the good and the bad, the right and the wrong,
the beautiful and the not so beautiful.

Time and time again, each of us in our own way...
through the bad times as well as the good...
have been there for the other.

Time and time again, each of us in our own way...
have worked through what needed to be.

Time and time again, each of us in our own way...
have brought out the best in the other.

Because of you my life has been a better one.
And I would like to take this moment,
A heartfelt moment to thank you.
And more importantly, to say - I love you.

Blue Butterfly

Timothy E. Stevenson   April 17, 2000 ©

(for mothers to send to their son)


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