Blue Butterfly

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                              Wide Eyes

I'm a happy and loving person...

I enter into a relationship, my eyes are closed. There are problems between us and we don't see eye-to-eye. I get hurt....I ask for them to stop causing the hurt, but they don't. I'm confused, and somehow in the confusion I go somewhere to think. I don't like what I see. I'm not happy with the relationship and I'm not a very happy person.

I enter back into the same relationship. I feel that I have no choice. My eyes are now half-open. There are problems. We don't see eye to eye, once again I get hurt. Again I ask them to stop, but they don't. I can't believe this is happening to me. I feel helpless and believe it isn't my fault, or is it? I go somewhere to heal myself.

I enter back into the same relationship. I still feel that I have no choice. This time I inform the other person the consequences if they ever again attempt to hurt me. My eyes are almost wide open, but not quite. There are problems. We don't see eye-to-eye... I don't like what I see. This time instead of getting hurt, I protect myself and immediately leave.

I enter into a new relationship. This time with myself. My eyes are wide open. I see the truth, and the truth sets me free. Being free gives me the power of choice. I end the toxic and life-defeating relationship.

I now decide who I allow to come into, and to stay, in my life. I embrace and cherish those that genuinely love and care about me and let go of those who directly or indirectly attempt to harm, use, or abuse me. Never again will I allow anyone to deny me my right to be a happy and loving person.

From this moment on, it is a privilege and not a right for another person to be in my presence. In all aspects of my life I keep that which does not harm me and let go of that which does.

In my own way I still humanly love the person that hurt me, but from a safe and healthy distance.

...once again I’m a happy and loving person.

            Timothy E. Stevenson   1994©   (revised: Oct. 20, 2014)

Love and respect, two sides of the same coin.

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