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 Rick Hansen Foundation

Man in Motion World 1985 Tour

Blue Butterfly

Together We Have

Together we have climbed that mountain: crossed that river, traversed that valley,
and travelled that long and narrow road. E
xperiencing along the way the good and the bad, the right and the wrong, the beautiful and the not so beautiful.

Time and time again, you have always been there for me. You were the one upon me going down that wrong road, who stood up to me, and patiently by me, while I worked through what needed to be.

You were the one who took the time to teach me...

       ...to live my life with purpose, dignity, and integrity; with right thinking and
           action; with right association and attitude.
       ...to know, for the most part, I have the by the thoughts I choose to harbour
           and act to create my reality and the type of life I want to live.
       ...to know that I am valued and that there are people in the world who care
          and want the best for me.
       ...to know that who I have become as a person is more important than what
          I have acquired or accomplished.
       ...to speak my truth softley and clearly.
       ...to stand-up for what I believe in and value.
       ... to be vigilant and protect myself from those who use, abuse, or harm me.
       ...to allow for change and renewal.
       ...to share what I have discovered and learned along the way.
       ...to nurture and allow the good within me to shine through.
       ...to be the change I want to see in the world.
       ...to know that my finest moment was always yet to come.

Because of you my life has been a better and more one. And I would like to take this moment to thank you. And to say, "I love you."


Timothy E. Stevenson   November 25, 2015 ©   Upoet.com


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