First the attraction... then the showing
of interest.
Then the spark of passion - acceptance or rejection.
The telling clues.
Upon the acceptance, then the courtship...
The coming to know one another.
Then the assessing and the determining
Of whether, each is right for the other.
The fight or flight, the decision to stay or part.
The falling in - or out of love.
Based on a decision to stay, they...
Become more than just lovers, but love itself.
For each have committed...
To cherish and care for one another
To each others well-being and health.
And each have communicated - their needs.
Together and separately - they embrace...
Both endings and new beginnings.
As they journey through life, they share...
The good and the bad, the right and the wrong,
The beautiful and the not so beautiful.
And many times throughout their lives...
They laugh and cry...
Sometimes together and sometimes alone.
Each in their own special way...
Coming to know the meaning of what it is - to truly love.
In the end, they transcend death itself
- not even it
Could prevent them from being together.
Timothy E. Stevenson April 25, 2001©