The mountain may be high and dangerous
And if required to do so - I will climb it.
The river may be deep and treacherous
And if required to do so - I will cross it.
The valley may be wide and uninviting
And if required to do so - I will go through it.
The road may be long and a hard one
to travel
And if required to do so - I will make my way.
The night may be dark and stormy
And if required to do so - I will find my way.
In accomplishing the above...
I may find it hard and it may even hurt me.
And it may even require me...
To make more than one attempt.
But this I do know...
No matter what the challenge...
Whether it be great or small - I will overcome it.
Even if I have to defy death itself...
Just to be - with you.
Timothy E. Stevenson March 27, 2000©