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May You
May you be happy, and spend time doing the things you enjoy.
May you be free
to love and be
loved, and be at peace with yourself
and others.
May you be free to pursue and live your dreams, keeping in mind as you do that your
physical, mental and spiritual
well-being takes first priority.
May you make a difference - great or small, in another's life. What may be small for you may be life-changing for the other.
May you embrace that
which is life-enhancing and let go of that which is not. Those who
fail to do so tragically will live diminishing and unfulfilling lives.
May you know what you can change and what you cannot; when to be silent and when to
speak up; when to stand your ground and when to move on.
May you be free from pain and
suffering, never forgetting that in the world many are and are
in need of your help and love.
May you always be able to hear the sound of your own voice, keeping in mind that your mental state
plays a major role
in maintaining your health.
May you, as you journey through life, protect yourself; be vigilant and cautious, avoid those
who would use, abuse, or harm you. Just as importantly, know that you are valued
and that there are people in this world who care and want the best for you.
May you live your life with purpose, dignity, and integrity; with right thinking and action;
with right association and attitude.
May you know those who place a value on their time and read-to-learn on a daily basis - succeed.
May you know that for the most part, you have the ability by the thoughts you choose to harbour and
act on, to create your reality and the life you want to live. May you know that who you have become as a person is more important than what you have
acquired or accomplished.
May you become more than what you thought you could be, and know that your finest
moment is always yet to come. "Long May You Run"
Timothy E. Stevenson
November 1996
I dedicate the above poem to Dr. Douglas McGregor, a shining light in the dark night sky!
Probably one of the most descent men I've met in my life. When he spoke I listened.